
You can change advanced settings in the “Raymarching Toolkit Preferences” object by navigating in your Project window to Raymarching Toolkit/Assets/Resources/Raymarching Toolkit Preferences:

In the Inspector window you’ll see the Preferences object. These settings apply across all Raymarchers in your project.


Raymarching TemplateThe default raymarching shader template the toolkit uses when you create a new Raymarcher. (Note this value can be overriden for each individual Raymarcher via its "Shader Template" property.
Blit ShaderThe shader the toolkit uses to blit raymarched content to a Camera.
Generated Shader Path Determines where the toolkit will place generated shaders. You can use the following special variables:
  • $SCENE_PATH - the directory of the current scene
  • $SCENE_NAME - the name of the current scene
Default Object SnippetWhich object snippet to use as a default when creating a new RaymarchObject.
Default Material SnippetWhich material snippet to use as a default when creating a new RaymarchObject.
Default Blend SnippetWhich blend snippet to use as a default when creating a new RaymarchBlend.
Default Modifier SnippetWhich modifier snippet to use as a default when creating a new RaymarchModifier.